A selection of papers presented at the Perspectives on Mathematical Practices Conference 2002 : [...international conference, org. by the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science (CLWF) at Brussels University (VUB) between 24 and 26 October 2002] |
2002 |
N.S. 44,179/180 |
Proceedings of the Fifth Flemish-Polish Logico-Philosophical Workshop 2001 |
2001 |
N.S., Année 44.2001, Mars/Sept. = 173/175 |
Proceedings of the Fifth Flemish-Polish Logico-Philosophical Workshop 2001 |
2001 |
N.S. 44,173/175 |
Proceedings of the First Flemish-Polish Logico-Philosophical Workshop 1999 : [... Oct. 28th to Saturday Oct. 30th 1999, ... Nicholas Copernicus Univ. of Toruń, Poland...] |
1999 |
N.S. 42 = Nr.165/166 |
A selection of papers presented at the First World Congress on Paraconsistency 1997 : [from Wednesday, July 30th, to Saturday, August 2nd, 1997] |
1998 |
N.S., Année 41.1998, Mars/Sept. = 161/163 |
Proceedings of the Models and Reality Conference 1997 : [on 16 and 17 May 1997, the Belgian Society for Logic and Philosoph of Science ... org. a joint conference...] |
1998 |
N.S. 41,164 |
First World Congress on Paraconsistency 1997 : [a selection of papers presented at the First World Congress on Paraconsistency; 30. July - 2. August 1997 at the University of Ghent] |
1998 |
N.S. 41,161/163 |
Le raisonnement juridique et la logique déontique : actes du colloque de Bruxelles (22 - 23 décembre 1969) |
1970 |
N.S., Année 13.1970, Mars/Juin = 49/50 |
Démonstration, vérification, justification : entretiens de l'Institut International de Philosophie ; Liège, septembre 1967 |
1968 |
N.S., Année 11.1968, Juin = 41/44 |
La théorie de l'argumentation : perspectives et applications |
1963 |
N.S., Année 6.1963 = 21/24 |
Thinking and meaning : entretiens d'Oxford 1962 |
1962 |
N.S., Année 5.1962, Déc. = 20 |
Rapports du Colloque de Logique : septembre 1958 |
1958 |
N.S., Année 1.1958, Août = 3/4 |