Raced markets : prefatory note
2018 |
Roediger, David R. |
The political economy of Austerity in Southern Europe
2018 |
Pérez, Sofía Ana |
Bringing balance to the force? : a comparative analysis of institutionalisation processes in the G20’s mutual assessment process and the EU’s macroeconomic imbalances procedure
2018 |
Rommerskirchen, Charlotte |
The political economy for low-carbon energy transition in China : towards a new policy paradigm?
2018 |
Shen, Wei |
Learning from role models in Rwanda : incoherent emulation in the construction of a neoliberal developmental state
2018 |
Behuria, Pritish |
Narrating crisis, constructing policy : economic ideas and institutional change in Syria
2018 |
Neep, Daniel |
Colonialism, postcolonialism and the liberal welfare state
2018 |
Bhambra, Gurminder K. |
Accounting for income-contingent loans as a policy hybrid : politics of discretion and discipline in financialising welfare states
2018 |
Spies-Butcher, Ben |
Is the European Union capable of integrating diverse models of capitalism? : Introduction
2018 |
Johnston, Alison |
Better than the Euro? : the European Monetary System (1979–1998)
2018 |
Höpner, Martin |
Skill formation, immigration and European integration : the politics of the UK growth model
2018 |
Coulter, Steve |
Celtic Phoenix or Leprechaun economics? : the politics of an FDI-led growth model in Europe
2018 |
Regan, Aidan |
The confidence trap : Japan’s past bubble and China’s recent bubble
2018 |
Gang, Myeong gu |
From neoliberalism to neo-developmentalism? : the political economy of post-crisis Argentina (2002-2015)
2018 |
Gezmiş, Hilal |
Exporting assets : EMU and the financial drivers of European macroeconomic imbalances
2018 |
Fuller, Gregory W. |
Trapped in informality : the big role of small firms in Russia's statist-patrimonial capitalism
2018 |
Dienes, Alexandra |
Party politics and the political economy of Ghana's oil
2018 |
Mohan, Giles |
German finance capitalism : the paradigm shift underlying financial diversification
2018 |
Röper, Nils |
Liberalisation, financial risk, and formal financial participation in Pakistan : hyperinflationary microeconomic responses to moderate volatility in a developing economy
2018 |
Settle, Antonia |
What makes firms competitive? : states, markets, and organisational embeddedness in competitive firm restructuring in postsocialist economies
2018 |
Pula, Besnik |