The transformative value of cloud computing : a decoupling, platformization, and recombination theoretical framework
2018 |
Benlian, Alexander |
Combining geographical and social influences with deep learning for personalized point-of-interest recommendation
2018 |
Guo, Junpeng |
The role of provision points in online crowdfunding
2018 |
Burtch, Gordon |
Disentangling digital platform competition : the case of UK mobile payment platforms
2018 |
Kazan, Erol |
On the fintech revolution : interpreting the forces of innovation, disruption, and transformation in financial services
2018 |
Gomber, Peter |
Team processes in virtual knowledge teams : the effects of reputation signals and network density
2018 |
Havakhor, Taha |
Detecting review manipulation on online platforms with hierarchical supervised learning
2018 |
Kumar, Naveen |
Advanced customer analytics : strategic value through integration of relationship-oriented big data
2018 |
Kitchens, Brent |
Strategic visibility in enterprise social media : implications for network formation and boundary spanning
2018 |
Osch, Wietske van |
Investor platform choice : herding, platform attributes, and regulations
2018 |
Jiang, Yang |
Differential innovativeness outcomes of user and employee participation in an online user innovation community
2018 |
Yan, Jie |
Creating strategic business value from big data analytics : a research framework
2018 |
Grover, Varun |
Content sampling, household informedness, and the consumption of digital information goods
2018 |
Hoang, Ai-Phuong |
A strategic value appropriation path for cloud computing
2018 |
Kathuria, Abhishek |
The innovation mechanisms of fintech start-ups : insights from SWIFT’s Innotribe competition
2018 |
Gozman, Daniel |
The role of corporate reputation and crisis response strategies in data breach management
2018 |
Gwebu, Kholekile L. |
Impact of formal controls on client satisfaction and profitability in strategic outsourcing contracts
2018 |
Langer, Nishtha |
The "darth" side of technology use : an inductively derived typology of cyberdeviance
2018 |
Venkatraman, Srinivasan |
Key affordances of platform-as-a-service : self-organization and continuous feedback
2018 |
Krancher, Oliver |
Attention adjustment, renewal, and equilibrium seeking in online search : an eye-tracking approach
2018 |
Ahn, Jae-Hyeon |