Religion as a cultural system
2008 |
Geertz, Clifford |
Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough
2008 |
Wittgenstein, Ludwig |
Religion, totemism and symbolism
2008 |
Stanner, W. E. H. |
Myth in primitive psychology
2008 |
Malinowski, Bronislaw |
The politics and poetics of transgression
2008 |
Stallybrass, Peter |
Spirits and selves in Northern Sudan : the cultural therapeutics of possession and trance
2008 |
Boddy, ]anice |
The disconnection between power and rank as a process
2008 |
Bloch, Maurice |
Passional preaching, aural sensibility, and the Islamic revival in Cairo
2008 |
Hirschkind, Charles |
Candomble in pink, green and black : re-scripting the Afro-Brazilian religious heritage in the public sphere of Salvador, Bahia
2008 |
Port, Mattijs van de |
Evidence and presence, spectral and other
2008 |
Palmie, Stephan |
General introduction
2008 |
Religion in primitive culture
2008 |
Burnett Tylor, Edward |
Remarks on the verb "to believe"
2008 |
Pouillon, Jean |
Land animals, pure and impure
2008 |
Douglas, Mary |
A Jivaro version of Totem and Taboo
2008 |
Levi-Strauss, Claude |
Text-building, epistemology, and aesthetics in Javanese shadow theatre
2008 |
Becker, Alton L. |
The Winnebago trickster figure
2008 |
Radin, Paul |
Closure and multiplication : an essay on Polynesian cosmology and ritual
2008 |
Cell, Alfred |
Fate in relation to the social structure
2008 |
Fortes, Meyer |
Medusa's hair : an essay on personal symbols and religious experience
2008 |
Obeyesekere, Cananath |