Reservations to treaties : an objection to a reservation is definitely not an acceptance
2011 |
Pellet, Alain |
Provisional application of treaties in international law : the Energy Charter Treaty awards
2011 |
Arsanjani, Mahnoush H. |
Supplementary means of interpretation
2011 |
Sbolci, Luigi |
International organizations as third parties under the law of international treaties
2011 |
Tomuschat, Christian |
Treaties establishing objective regimes
2011 |
Salerno, Francesco |
The European courts and the law of treaties : the continuing story
2011 |
Kuijper, Pieter Jan |
Absolute invalidity of treaties and their non-recognition by third states
2011 |
Gianelli, Alessandra |
The metamorphosis of jus cogens : from an institution of treaty law to the bedrock of the international legal order?
2011 |
Zemanek, Karl |
The distinction between jus cogens and obligations erga omnes
2011 |
Picone, Paolo |
Article 18 of the 1969 Vienna Convention : A vague and ineffective obligation or a useful means for strengthening legal cooperation?
2011 |
Palchetti, Paolo |
Consistency among treaty obligations
2011 |
Conforti, Benedetto |
The law of treaties and the UN Security Council : some reflections
2011 |
Wood, M. C. |
Invalidity of treaties : Anything new in/under the Vienna Conventions?
2011 |
Verhoeven, Joe |
Coercion as a ground affecting the validity of peace treaties
2011 |
Forlati, Serena |
Desuetude and obsolescence of treaties
2011 |
Kohen, Marcelo G. |
Are agreements between states and non-state entities rooted in the international legal order?
2011 |
Corten, Olivier |
Evolutionary interpretation of treaties : between memory and prophecy
2011 |
Dupuy, Pierre-Marie |
Treaty interpretation by the WTO Appellate Body : the conundrum of Article 17(6) of the WTO Antidumping Agreement
2011 |
McRae, Donald M. |
Some remarks on the continuity of human rights and international humanitarian law treaties
2011 |
Pocar, Fausto |
Invalidity and termination of treaties and rules of procedure
2011 |
Ciampi, Annalisa |