Macroscopic limits for stochastic partial differential equations of McKean-Vlasov type
2010 |
Kotelenez, Peter M. |
Glauber dynamics for the mean-field Ising model: cut-off, critical power law, and metastability
2010 |
Levin, David Asher |
On slowdown and speedup of transient random walks in random environment
2010 |
Fribergh, Alexander |
Hierarchical pinning models, quadratic maps and quenched disorder
2010 |
Giacomin, Giambattista |
Convergence of symmetric Markov chains on Zd
2010 |
Bass, Richard F. |
An empirical central limit theorem for intermittent maps
2010 |
Dedecker, J. |
Martin boundary of a reflected random walk on a half-space
2010 |
Ignatiouk-Robert, Irina |
A stochastic representation for backward incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
2010 |
Zhang, Xicheng |
Kiyoshi Itō (1915-2008)
2010 |
Lyons, Terence J. |
Some diffusion processes associated with two parameter Poisson-Dirichlet distribution and Dirichlet process
2010 |
Feng, Shui |
Construction of pure states in mean field models for spin glasses
2010 |
Talagrand, Michel |
The structure of unicellular maps, and a connection between maps of positive genus and planar labelled trees
2010 |
Chapuy, Guillaume |
Square integrable holomorphic functions on infinite-dimensional Heisenberg type grounds
2010 |
Driver, Bruce K. |
Survival of contact processes on the hierarchical group
2010 |
Athreya, Siva R. |
Itô’s formula for the Lp-norm of stochastic W1p -valued processes
2010 |
Krylov, Nikolaj V. |
Large deviation for stochastic line integrals as Lp-currents
2010 |
Kusuoka, Shigeo |
Hitting time statistics and extreme value theory
2010 |
Freitas, Ana Cristina Moreira |
Random subgraphs of the 2D Hamming graph : the supercritical phase
2010 |
Hofstad, Remco van der |
Convex bodies and norms associated to convex measures
2010 |
Bobkov, Sergey G. |
Monotonocity for excited random walk in high dimensions
2010 |
Hofstad, Remco van der |