Nox reduction effects of the policy to reduce diesel automobiles and its influence on price change
1999 |
Morisugi, Hisa |
Hedonic prices, property values and measuring environmental benefits : a survey of the issues
1999 |
Freeman, A. Myrick |
Evaluation methods for external effects of transport in europe
1999 |
Rothengatter, Werner |
Gasoline tax policy, carbon emissions and the global environment
1999 |
Sterner, Thomas |
Fuel taxes and road-user charges in LDCs : some lessons from sub-saharan africa
1999 |
Gronau, Reuben |
Roads toward environmentally sustainable transport
1999 |
Nijkamp, Peter |
Noise nuisance
1999 |
Pearce, David W. |
Road traffic growth and dynamics of sustainable transport policies
1999 |
Goodwin, Phil |
The transport energy trade-off: fuel-efficient traffic versus fuel-efficient cities
1999 |
Newman, P. W. G. |
The social feasibility of road pricing : a case study for the randstad area
1999 |
Verhof, Erik T. |
Methodological issues in the estimation of the travel. energy, and air quality impacts of telecommuting
1999 |
Mokhtarian, Patricia L. |
On the costs of air pollution from motor vehicles
1999 |
Small, Kenneth A. |
Environmental implications of missing transport networks in europe
1999 |
Maggi, Rico |
Economic development and its influence on the environment: urbanization, infrastructure and land use planning systems
1999 |
Hayashi, Yoshitsugu |
The potential of rail as an environmental solution: setting the agenda
1999 |
Feitelson, Eran |
Policies to reduce CO2 emissions from cars in europe : a partial equilibrium analysis
1999 |
Koopmann, Gert Jan |
Costs and benefits of automotive fuel economy improvement: a partial analysis
1999 |
Greene, David L. |
The marginal external costs of urban transport
1999 |
Mayeres, Inge |
Predicting the market penetration of electric and clean-fuel vehicles
1999 |
Golob, Thomas F. |
Electric vehicles: performance, life-cycle costs, emissions, and recharging requirements
1999 |
DeLuchi, Mark |