Cultural anthropology and the question of knowledge
2012 |
Fabian, Johannes |
Anthropology and its many modernities : when concepts matter
2012 |
Thomassen, Bjorn |
History, networks, and the quest for power: ancient political competition in the Lower Motagua Valley, Guatemala
2012 |
Schortman, Edward M. |
Free speech and civil discourse : producing expats, locals, and migrants in the UAE English-language blogosphere
2012 |
Vora, Neha |
Rethinking fakes, authenticating selves
2012 |
Craciun, Magdalena |
Indigenous attire, exoticization, and social change : dressing and undressing among the Emberá of Panama
2012 |
Theodossopoulos, Dimitrios |
Ambivalent inclusion : anti-racism and racist gatekeeping in Andalusiaś immigrant NGOs
2012 |
Rogozen-Soltar, Mikaela H. |
Theorizing the 'subject' of medical and psychiatric anthropology
2012 |
Good, Byron J. |
Birth is the metaphor
2012 |
Sahlins, Marshall |
The pastor and the prophetess : an analysis of gender and Christianity in Vanuatu
2012 |
Eriksen, Annelin |
Paperwork and the contradictions of accountability in a South African hospital
2012 |
Hull, Elizabeth |
Life during wartime : aspirational kinship and the management of insecurity
2012 |
McGovern, Mike |
Sympathy and suspicion : torture, asylum, and humanity
2012 |
Kelly, Tobias |
Multiple nostalgias : the fabric of heritage in Luang Prabang (Lao PDR)
2012 |
Berliner, David |
What's up, Doctor Goffman? : tell us where the action is!
2012 |
Handler, Richard |
Negotiating impartial indicators : putting transparency into practice in the EU
2012 |
Thedvall, Renita |
Disjunctive comparison : citizenship and trade unionism in Bolivia and Argentina
2012 |
Lazar, Sian |
'A wonderous adventure' : mutuality and indivuality in internet adoption narratives
2012 |
Gay y Blasco, Paloma |
Photography and the comparative method : the construction of an anthropological archive
2012 |
Morton, Christopher A. |
Culture and the absurd : the means and meanings of Aboriginal identity in the time of cultural revivalism
2012 |
Cowlishaw, Gillian |