State control of the arts in South Africa
1991 |
Rooyen, J. C. W. van |
Constitutional rights and the freedom of the media in India
1990 |
Gaur, K. D. |
Broadcasting law and regulatory practice in West Germany
1990 |
Porter, Vincent |
Judical review and the media
1990 |
Monro, Colin |
International legal prohibitions against media content advocating war, racism and genocide
1990 |
Heintze, Hans-Joachim |
Human rights, the right to communicate and international law
1989 |
Kleinwaechter, Wolfgang |
Freedom of the press and the anti-monopoly law : problems of striking a proper balance
1989 |
Vyas, Yash |
Politics and broadcasting : the SDP case
1987 |
Boyle, Alan E. |
The mandatory licensing of journalists : the decision of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
1986 |
Sussman, Leonard R. |
Television without frontiers
1985 |
Addison, Fiona |
Broadcasting without frontiers in the European Community
1985 |
Schwartz, Ivo E. |
Freedom of information in Canada : the ombudsman - judicial review model
1984 |
Ferris, Charles D. |
Informatics law and the Third World
1984 |
Hogrebe, Edmund F. M. |
Basis and proposals for reform of the legal regime of the Media in the Netherlands
1984 |
Cohen Jehoram, Herman |
The right of reply in England, France and the United States
1984 |
Ward, Alan |
Franchising or relicensing of television broadcasters in the UK ans Australia
1984 |
White, Stewart |
The plight of "public interest" : a principle lost in the process
1984 |
Le Duc, Don R. |
Media law reform and the public interest
1984 |
Kirby, Maurice W. |
Passing off and the commercial media in Britain and Australia
1983 |
McKeough, Jill |
National security and freedom of information
1983 |
Relyea, Harold C. |