Patent pools : policy and problems
2008 |
Ullrich, Hanns |
Intellectual property, the internal market and competition law
2008 |
Enchelmaier, Stefan |
The exhaustion/competition interface in EC law : is there room for a holistic approach?
2008 |
Rognstad, Ole-Andreas |
Competition policy and intellectual property in the WTO : more guidance needed?
2008 |
Anderson, Robert D. |
The contestability of IP-protected markets
2008 |
Heinemann, Andreas |
Patent pools - policy and problems
2008 |
Ullrich, Hanns |
Patent power and market power : rethinking the relationship between intellectual property rights and market power in antritrust analysis
2008 |
Jones, Clifford A. |
Competition policy and intellectual property in the WTO : more guidance needed?
2008 |
Anderson, Robert D. |
Is there a 'more economic approach' to intellectual property and competition law?
2008 |
Drexl, Josef |
The new EC competition law framework for technology transfer and IP licensing
2008 |
Anderman, Steve |
New technologies and mergers
2008 |
Bejček, Josef |
Development of the economics of copyright
2008 |
Handke, Christian |
Intellectual property, the internal market and competition law
2008 |
Enchelmaier, Stefan |
Assessing the effects of intellectual property rights in network standards
2008 |
Mackenrodt, Mark-Oliver |
Competition law and intellectual property rights : outline of an economics-based approach
2008 |
Kolstad, Olav |
New technologies and mergers
2008 |
Bejček, Josef |
Unilateral refusal to license indispensable intellectual property rights : US and EU approaches
2008 |
Conde Gallego, Beatriz |
Making antitrust and intellectual property policy in the United States : requirements tie-ins and loyalty discounts
2008 |
Grimes, Warren S. |
The exhaustion/competition interface in EC law : is there room for holistic approach?
2008 |
Rognstad, Ole-Andreas |
The contestability of IP-protected markets
2008 |
Heinemann, Andreas |