Concerning violence
2007 |
Fanon, Frantz |
The right of emergency defense
2007 |
Hitler, Adolf |
The ballot or the bullet
2007 |
Malcom X |
Critique of violence
2007 |
Benjamin, Walter |
The origins of totalitarism
2007 |
Arendt, Hannah |
Discipline and punish : the birth of the prison
2007 |
Foucault, Michel |
Savages, barbarians, civilized men
2007 |
Deleuze, Gilles |
Declaration of war against the Americans occupying the land of the two holy places
2007 |
bin Laden, Osama |
Touched by fire : doctors without borders in a Third World crisis
2007 |
Leyton, Elliott |
Phenomenology of spirit
2007 |
Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm |
Marxism and literature
2007 |
Williams, Raymond |
Group psychology and the analysis of the ego
2007 |
Freud, Sigmund |
Social control and the powers of the weak
2007 |
Gordon, Linda |
The Sha Bano case
2007 |
Lawrence, Bruce B. |
Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State : an agenda for theory
2007 |
Mackinnon, Catharine |
Violence and the word
2007 |
Cover, Robert M. |
Violence and the sacred
2007 |
Girard, René |
Liberation and the Christian ethic
2007 |
Cone, James |
2007 |
Hobbes, Thomas |
Manifesto : towards a free revolutionary art
2007 |
Breton, André |