Free point processes and free extreme values
2010 |
Ben Arous, G. |
Un processus ponctuel associé aux maxima locaux du mouvement brownien
2010 |
Leuridan, Christophe |
Mesoscopic fluctuations of the zeta zeros
2010 |
Bourgade, P. |
Spin glasses and Stein's method
2010 |
Chatterjee, Sourav |
A generalized Neyman-Pearson lemma for g-probabilities
2010 |
Ji, Shaolin |
Slow decay of Gibbs measures with heavy tails
2010 |
Roberto, Cyril |
A note on Talagrand’s transportation inequality and logarithmic Sobolev inequality
2010 |
Cattiaux, Patrick |
The root-unroot algorithm for density estimation as implemented via wavelet block thresholding
2010 |
Boundary proximity on SLE
2010 |
Schramm, Oded |
Wasserstein space over the Wiener space
2010 |
Fang, Shizan |
Total variation cutoff in birth-and-death chains
2010 |
Ding, Jian |
A phase transition behavior for Brownian motions interacting through their ranks
2010 |
Chatterjee, Sourav |
Jensen's inequality for g-convex function under g-expectation
2010 |
Jia, Guangyan |
Edge scaling limits for a family of non-Hermitian random matrix ensembles
2010 |
Bender, Martin |
Nonlinear stochastic perturbations of dynamical systems and quasi-linear parabolic PDE's with a small parameter
2010 |
Freidlin, M. |
On large deviations for the parabolic Anderson model
2010 |
Cranston, M. |
Macroscopic limits for stochastic partial differential equations of McKean-Vlasov type
2010 |
Kotelenez, Peter M. |
Glauber dynamics for the mean-field Ising model: cut-off, critical power law, and metastability
2010 |
Levin, David Asher |
On slowdown and speedup of transient random walks in random environment
2010 |
Fribergh, Alexander |
Hierarchical pinning models, quadratic maps and quenched disorder
2010 |
Giacomin, Giambattista |