Universal models
2010 |
Rissanen, Jorma |
The honeybee as teacher
2010 |
McCall, John J. |
Remarks on numerical systems, algorithms and economic theory
2010 |
Day, Richard Hollis |
Varieties of internal critique
2010 |
Lawson, Tony |
Rational economic man : a centrepiece in social science?
2010 |
Heyn-Johnsen, Carsten |
The accumulation of capital over 50 years on
2010 |
Harcourt, G. C. |
A disequilibrium growth cycle model with differential savings
2010 |
Sordi, Serena |
Elasticity puzzle : an inquiry into micro-macro relations
2010 |
Chen, Shu-Heng |
Is there gold in Taylor's rule? : a note on the treasure hunt
2010 |
Luna, Francesco |
From an admirer and a friend
2010 |
Clower, Robert W. |
Not growth, not cycles, but something in between
2010 |
Solow, Robert M. |
Constructivist logic and emergent evolution in economic complexity
2010 |
Rosser, John Barkley |
An experiment on equilibrium selection : the relative unimportance of context
2010 |
Holm, Håkan J. |
Evolution of FX markets and new financial economics
2010 |
McCauley, Joseph L. |
Organizational capabilities and industry dynamics : a computational model
2010 |
Corsino, Marco |
A homage to my father
2010 |
Velupillai, Viveka |
The Richard Goodwin circle at Harvard (1938 - 1950)
2010 |
Samuelson, Paul Anthony |
The nonlinear path of macroeconomic dynamics
2010 |
Leijonhufvud, Axel |
The information economy
2010 |
Chaitin, Gregory J. |
Hypotheses that imply the independence of P : = NP from strong axiomatic systems
2010 |
Costa Júnior, Newton C. A. da |