The Richard Goodwin circle at Harvard (1938 - 1950)
2010 |
Samuelson, Paul Anthony |
The nonlinear path of macroeconomic dynamics
2010 |
Leijonhufvud, Axel |
The information economy
2010 |
Chaitin, Gregory J. |
Hypotheses that imply the independence of P : = NP from strong axiomatic systems
2010 |
Costa Júnior, Newton C. A. da |
Model description length priors in the urn problem
2010 |
Foley, Duncan K. |
Who, in Scandinavian economic theoretic literature, picked up major threads from Wicksell's writings?
2010 |
Thalberg, Björn |
The means of subsistence and the notion of "viability" in Sraffa's surplus approach
2010 |
Chiodi, Guglielmo |
The most difficult questions : a brief reflection inspired by K. Vela Velupillai's contributions in computable economics, evolution and complexity
2010 |
Lee, Cassey |
Computable and constructive economics, undecidable dynamics and algorithmic rationality : an essay in honour of Professor Kumaraswamy (Vela) Velupillai
2010 |
Zambelli, Stefano |
The complexity of social choice
2010 |
Prasad, Kislaya |
Resisting the sirens of realism in economic methodology : a socratic odyssey
2010 |
Boylan, Thomas A. |
Bubbles and crashes : a cyborg approach
2010 |
Abraham, Ralph |
The economics of Keynes in an almost stock-flow consistent agent-based setting
2010 |
Bruun, Charlotte |
Minsky's 'financial instability hypothesis' : the not-too-Keynesian optimism of a financial Cassandra
2010 |
De Antoni, Elisabetta |
From an admirer and a friend
2010 |
Clower, Robert W. |
Not growth, not cycles, but something in between
2010 |
Solow, Robert M. |
Constructivist logic and emergent evolution in economic complexity
2010 |
Rosser, John Barkley |
An experiment on equilibrium selection : the relative unimportance of context
2010 |
Holm, Håkan J. |
Evolution of FX markets and new financial economics
2010 |
McCauley, Joseph L. |
Organizational capabilities and industry dynamics : a computational model
2010 |
Corsino, Marco |