Functions as based on a concept of general design
2009 |
Krohs, Ulrich |
Truth-making without truth-makers
2006 |
Schnieder, Benjamin |
The best of all possible worlds
2005 |
Brown, Campbell |
Leibnizian soft reduction of extrinsic denominations and relations
2004 |
Maunu, Ari |
"Parfaits miroirs de l'univers" : a "virtual" interpretation of Leibnizian metaphysics
2003 |
Boos, William |
Virtual modality
2003 |
Boos, William |
Leibniz's rigorous foundation of infinitesimal geometry by means of Riemannian sums
2002 |
Knobloch, Eberhard |
Holism, underdetermination, and the dynamics of empirical theories
2002 |
Gähde, Ulrich |
Leibniz on intension, extension, and the representation of syllogistic inference
1998 |
Bassler, O. Bradley |
The spatiality of the mental and the mind-body problem
19981999 |
Weintraub, Ruth |
Two interpretations of the pre-established harmony in the philosophy of Leibniz
1993 |
Kulstad, Mark A. |
Truth, rightness, and permanent acceptability
1993 |
Künne, Wolfgang |
Accidental causes in Aristotle
1992 |
Frede, Dorothea |
What was Leibniz's problem about relations?
1991 |
Burdick, Howard |
Leibniz on the classificatory function of language
1988 |
Duchesneau, François |
Locke and Leibniz on linguistic particles
1988 |
McRae, Robert |
Locke, Leibniz, language and Hans Aarsleff
1988 |
Hacking, Ian |
Modalities in language, thought and reality in Leibniz, Descartes and Crusius
1988 |
Burkhardt, Hans |
Russell's construction of space from perspectives
1984 |
Irvine, William B. |
Change and contradiction : a Fourteenth-Century controversy
1979 |
Knuuttila, Simo |