My friend Helmut Schmidt - on his 75th birthday
1994 |
Fukuda, Takeo |
The Mantle of authority
1994 |
Trudeau, Pierre Elliot |
Willingness to meet the challenges of life
1994 |
Gorbačev, Michail |
Helmut Schmidt on his 75th birthday - practical reasoning with passion
1994 |
Roll, Eric |
I still have miles to go
1994 |
Doi, Takako |
Von Büchern und Politikern in Frankreich : Helmut Schmidt, dem Schriftsteller und Freund Frankreichs gewidmet
1994 |
Weck, Roger de |
A Leader of leaders
1994 |
Laughlin, William P. |
Rencontre avec Helmut Schmidt
1994 |
Blanchard, Francis |
Globalizacion, interdependencia y orden mundial
1994 |
Hurtado, Miguel de la Madrid |
Russian foreign policy after the cold war
1994 |
Agaev, Ednan |
Where next for the United Nations?
1994 |
Callaghan, James |
Islamic fundamentalism in the Sudan : a symptom of an identity crisis
1994 |
Deng, Francis |
The United States, The European Community and Japan - how will they relate in the next century?
1994 |
Agt, Andreas A. M. van |
Sustainable development for a sustainable world order : a view from Latin America
1994 |
Ferrer, Aldo |
Helmut Schmidt's role in shaping a new European monetary order/ Wilhelm Nölling
1994 |
Nölling, Wilhelm |
Locational competition in the world economy
1994 |
Siebert, Horst |
Food and population : fancing an uncertain future
1994 |
Brown, Lester R. |
Beyond Rio : prospects and portents
1994 |
Strong, Maurice F. |
... on science and the purpose of government under the new world order
1994 |
Woodwell, George M. |
El pragmatismo etico de Helmut Schmidt
1994 |
Alfonsin, Raúl |