El pragmatismo etico de Helmut Schmidt
1994 |
Alfonsin, Raúl |
My friend Helmut Schmidt
1994 |
Laird, Melvin R. |
Reconciling Germany with itself
1994 |
Lewis, Flora |
Helmut Schmidt - patriotischer Realpolitiker und bekennender Europäer
1994 |
Stolpe, Manfred |
A Vision of a new international order for the post-cold war world
1994 |
McNamara, Robert S. |
Ethnicity and nationalism in post-communist Europe : the German role
1994 |
Mortimer, Edward |
We're all from the same village
1994 |
Peres, Shimon |
The catholic church and democracy as a form of government
1994 |
König, Franz |
After the cold war, human rights for the billions
1994 |
Ariyaratne, A. T. |
Drei Herausforderungen für die internationale Wirtschaftspolitik
1994 |
Schulmann, Horst |
The 1981 Hungarian debt crisis and Helmut Schmidt
1994 |
Fekete, Janos |
La problematique de la population : au carrefour de la complexite
1994 |
Lourdes Pintasilgo, Maria de |
A habitable earth needs its forests
1994 |
Ullsten, Ola |
TheHIV epidemic: a challenge to humanity
1994 |
Rothermel, Timothy S. |
1994 |
d'Orville, Hans |
Mon ami Helmut
1994 |
Giscard d'Estaing, Valéry |
[I completely share the ...]
1994 |
Ford, Gerald R. |
The permanenece of achievement
1994 |
Kissinger, Henry |
On the occasion of the jubilee
1994 |
Ribicic, Mitja |
Europäische Integration und Zerfall des Kommunismus
1994 |
Geremek, Bronislaw |