How does working capital management affect the profitability of Vietnamese small- and medium-sized enterprises?
2017 |
Tran, Hien |
The social and business dimensions of a networked business incubator : the case of H-Farm
2017 |
Apa, Roberta |
Firm capabilities, business model design and performance of SMEs
2017 |
Pucci, Tommaso |
Business growth through intentional and non-intentional network processes
2017 |
Rennemo, Øystein |
Environmental management training for micro and small enterprises : the missing link?
2017 |
Cassells, Sue |
Explaining university students' career path intentions from their current entrepreneurial exposure
2017 |
Cieślik, Jerzy |
Acceptance and usage of social media as a plattform among student entrepreneurs
2017 |
Che Nawi, Noorshella |
Institutional framework and entrepreneurial failure
2017 |
García-Ramos, Constantino |
Succession in family business : multi-source perspectives
2017 |
Bozer, Gil |
The influence of conflict and intuition on explorative new products and performance in SMEs
2017 |
Zacca, Robert |
How shared leadership and team personality composition interact to improve entrepreneurial team performance : evidence from China
2017 |
Zhou, Wencang |
Follow for follow : marketing of a start-up company on Instagram
2017 |
Virtanen, Henrik |
Applying "attribution theory" to determine the factors that lead to the failure of entrepreneurial ventures in Colombia
2017 |
Pardo, Clara |
Greening competitiveness for hotels and restaurants
2017 |
Iraldo, Fabio |
Linking relationship marketing to social embeddedness in a rural bilingual context
2017 |
Parry, Sara |
Rural entrepreneurs : what are the best indicators of their success?
2017 |
Eschker, Erick |
Entrepreneurial intention : a study of individual, situational and gender differences
2017 |
Yukongdi, Vimolwan |
Discouraged borrowers aftermath of financial crisis : a UK study
2017 |
Rostamkalaei, Anoosheh |
The hybrid identity of micro enterprises : constrasting the perspectives of community pharmacies' owners-managers and employees
2017 |
Nunes, Francisco G. |
SME international performance in Latin America : the role of entrepreneurial and technological capabilities
2017 |
Bianchi, Constanza |