NTU-bankruptcy problems : consistency and the relative adjustment principle
2020 |
Dietzenbacher, Bas |
Consistency, anonymity, and the core on the domain of convex games
2020 |
Hokari, Toru |
Contests with insurance
2020 |
Minchuk, Yizhaq |
A sequential bargaining protocol for land rental arrangements
2020 |
Valencia-Toledo, Alfredo |
Gaining advantage by winning contests
2020 |
Clark, Derek J. |
Health and fairness with other-regarding preferences
2020 |
Calo-Blanco, Aitor |
Does vertical integration enhance non-price efficiency? Evidence from the movie theater industry
2020 |
Kim, In Kyung |
The uniqueness of the pivotal mechanisms without strategy-proofness
2020 |
Nakamura, Yuta |
Premium auctions in the field
2020 |
Onderstal, Sander |
Similarities in axiomatizations : equal surplus division value and first-price auctions
2020 |
Kongo, Takumi |
High school admission reform in China : a welfare analysis
2020 |
Wang, Tong |
The Borda rule and the pairwise-majority-loser revisited
2019 |
Okamoto, Noriaki |
Collusion and turnover in experience goods markets
2019 |
Monte, Daniel |
Equilibrium refinements for the network formation game
2019 |
İlkılıç, Rahmi |
Notions of anonymity for object assignment : impossibility theorems
2019 |
Kondo, Hikaru |
Interregional redistribution and budget institutions with private information on intergenerational externality
2019 |
Dai, Darong |
Exchange-stability in roommate problems
2019 |
Abizada, Azar |
Gender differences in competition : gender equality and cost reduction policies
2019 |
Osório, António |
Between anchors and aspirations : a new family of bargaining solutions
2019 |
Karagözoğlu, Emin |
Assignment of heterogeneous agents in trees under the permission value
2019 |
Chakrabarti, Subhadip |