Quantifying investment risk in pension funds
2010 |
Whelan, Shane Francis |
Performance and risk measurement for pension funds
2010 |
Plantinga, Auke |
Insuring defined benefit plans in Germany
2010 |
Mager, Ferdinand |
Public and private DC pension schemes, termination indemnities, and optimal funding of pension system in Italy
2010 |
Micocci, Marco |
Return-based style analysis applied to Spanish balanced pension plans
2010 |
Retirement decision : current influences on the timing of retirement among older workers
2010 |
Pang, Gaobo |
Improving the equity, transparency, and solvency of pay-as-you-go pension systems : NDCs, the AB, and ABMs
2010 |
Vidal-Meliá, Carlos |
Efficiency analysis in the Spanish pension funds industry : a frontier approach
2010 |
Martí-Ballester, Carmen-Pilar |
Investment decision in defined contribution pension schemes incorporating incentive mechanism
2010 |
Chang, Bill Shih-chieh |
Dynamic asset and liability management
2010 |
Chaim, Ricardo Matos |
Pension fund asset allocation under uncertainty
2010 |
Groot, Wilma de |
Different stakeholders' risks in DB pension funds
2010 |
Kocken, Theo |
Longevity risk and private pensions
2010 |
Antolín Nicolás, Pablo |
Corporate risk management and pension asset allocation
2010 |
Li, Yong |
Competition among pressure groups over the determination of UK pension fund accounting rules
2010 |
Klumpes, Paul J. M. |
Policy considerations for hedging risks in mandatory defined contribution pensions through better default options
2010 |
Impavido, Gregorio |
Pension risk and household saving over the life cycle
2010 |
Love, David A. |
Pension funds under investment constraints : an assessment of the opportunity cost to the Greek social security system
2010 |
Milonas, Nikolaos T. |
Pension fund deficits and stock market efficiency : evidence from the United Kingdom
2010 |
Liu, Weixi |
Pension funds under inflation risk
2010 |
Zhang, Aihua |