Necessary and sufficient conditions for the asymptotic distribution of the largest entry of a sample correlation matrix
2010 |
Li, Deli |
Atomic intersection of σ-fields and some of its consequences
2010 |
Berti, Patrizia |
Convergence to stable laws for a class of multidimensional stochastic recursions
2010 |
Buraczewski, Dariusz |
Quenched large deviation principle for words in a letter sequence
2010 |
Birkner, Matthias |
Spatial epidemics and local times for critical branching random walks in dimensions 2 and 3
2010 |
Lalley, Steven P. |
Stationary distributions for diffusions with inert drift
2010 |
The central limit theorem for the Smoluchovski coagulation model
2010 |
Kolokoltsov, Vassili N. |
Nonparametric reconstruction of a multifractal function from noisy data
2010 |
Gloter, Arnaud |
Harmonic analysis of stochastic equations and backward stochastic differential equations
2010 |
Delbaen, Freddy |
Bernoulli coding map and almost sure invariance principle for endomorphisms of pk
2010 |
Dupont, Christophe |
Limit laws for power sums and norms of i.i.d. samples
2010 |
Janßen, Anja |
The critical Z-invariant Ising model via dimers : the periodic case
2010 |
Boutillier, Cédric |
Non-central limit theorems for random selections
2010 |
Berkes, István |
Randomized polynuclear growth with a columnar defect
2010 |
Beffara, Vincent |
Multi-dimensional BSDE with oblique reflection and optimal switching
2010 |
Hu, Ying |
Convex bodies and norms associated to convex measures
2010 |
Bobkov, Sergey G. |
Monotonocity for excited random walk in high dimensions
2010 |
Hofstad, Remco van der |
Two-sided heat kernel estimates for censored stable-like processes
2010 |
Chen, Zhen-qing |
Central limit theorems for solutions on the Kac equation: speed of approach to equilibrium in weak metrics
2010 |
Gabetta, Ester |
Construction of a Gibbs measure associated to the periodic Benjamin-Ono equation
2010 |
Tzvetkov, Nikolay |