Umbrella branding as a signal of new product quality : an example of signalling by posting a bond
2010 |
Wernerfelt, Birger |
Exploring the brand value-shareholder value nexus for consumer goods companies
2010 |
Kerin, Roger A. |
Creating brand names with meaning : the use of sound symbolism
2010 |
Klink, Richard R. |
Language and brand attitudes : impact of script and sound matching in Chinese and English
2010 |
Pan, Yigang |
Inferences from brand names
2010 |
Zaichkowsky, Judith Lynne |
Recall and recognition of branf names : a comparison of word and nonword name types
2010 |
Lerman, Dawn |
The marketing advantages of strong brands
2010 |
Hoeffler, Steve |
Creating local brands in multilingual international markets
2010 |
Zhang, Shi |
Builing strong brands in Asia : selecting the visual components of image to maximize brand strength
2010 |
Strategic brand concept-image management
2010 |
Park, C. Whan |
A connectionist model of brand-quality associations
2010 |
Janiszewski, Chris A. |
Berands as signals : a cross-country validation study
2010 |
Erdem, Tülin |
What does brand mean? : historical-analysis method and construct definition
2010 |
Stern, Barbara B. |
Defining a "brand" : beyond the literature wth experts' interpretations
2010 |
De Chernatony, Leslie |
Brand diagnostics : mapping branding effects using consumer associative networks
2010 |
Henderson, Geraldine Rosa |
The "trade dress" controversy : a case of srategic cross-brand cannibalization
2010 |
Harvey, Michael G. |
Trademark infringement from the buyer perspective : conceptual analysis and measurement implications
2010 |
Simonson, Itamar |