Appreciative inquiry : OD in the post-modern age
2010 |
Watkins, Jane Magruder |
Closure : freeing up energy to move forward
2010 |
Van Eron, Ann M. |
Transformational learning journeys : seeing is believing
2010 |
Mirvis, Philip H. |
The personhood of the OD practitioner
2010 |
Eisen, Saul |
The organizational fitness process : a system-wide alignment
2010 |
Beer, Michael |
Transforming the HR-OD audit by using whole systems
2010 |
Rao, T. V. |
Estimating OD success rates at the national level
2010 |
Golembiewski, Robert T. |
Whole system transformation : becoming dramatically different
2010 |
Todd, Jennifer |
Valuable insights on OD from the contributors
2010 |
Warrick, D. D. |
Organization development and change
2010 |
Rothwell, William J. |
Taking organization culture seriously
2010 |
Schein, Edgar H. |
SOAR : linking strategy and OD to sustainable performance
2010 |
Stavros, Jacqueline M. |
Positive organizational change : what the field of POS offers to OD practitioners
2010 |
Bright, David S. |
Systemic sustainability SM : moving sustainability from ideas to action
2010 |
Amodeo, Mona A. |
Technologies to support interactive and connective OD in a virtual world
2010 |
Bush, Richard G. |
Values, ethics, and expanding the practice of OD
2010 |
Gellermann, William |
Context blindness : what we don’t see will hurt us
2010 |
Oshry, Barry |
Practicing internal OD
2010 |
Weiss, Alan |
Four risk factors of the unexamined life : be - know - do
2010 |
Koestenbaum, Peter |
The keys to building a transformative OD practice : an interview with Edie Seashore
2010 |
Seashore, Edie |