The search for a panacea for maritime boundary settlement : equity or equidistance?
1985 |
Alexiades, Peter |
The situation of the synchronik geostationary orbit in the problem of demarcation of airspace and outerspace
1985 |
Goenaga de Bedut, Marta Valeria |
Boundaries in space? Some theories and problems regarding the definition, delimitation and/or demarcation of outer space
1985 |
de Vries, Walter W. C. |
Frontières internationales en Amérique Latine
1985 |
Valladão, Haroldo |
Considérations sur les principes et le statu des frontières étatiques (à la lumière de l'acte final adopté en 1975 à Helsinki par la conférence sur la sécurité et la coopération en Europe)
1985 |
Escovar-Quintero, Ida Piedad |
The relationship between the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe : the Helsinki Final Act ; and the Oder-Neisse line legal regime
1985 |
Piotrowicz, Ryszard W. |
Unrecognized boundaries : the case of Antarctica
1985 |
Mangone, Gerard J. |
The delimitation of boundary river waters
1985 |
Müller, Andreas |
Commentaire sur la politique étrangère de la Roumanie visant à développer des rapports de coopération et de bon voisinage avec les pays de la région des Balkans
1985 |
Secarin, Gheorghe |
The delimitation and demarcation of frontiers in international treaties and maps
1985 |
Ress, Georg |
Sudan's national legislation on the territorial sea and the continental shelf
1985 |
Tier, Akolda M. |
Le régime juridique international de la frontière bulgaro-grèque
1985 |
Vekilov, Yanko Dimitrov |
Iran-Iraq border relations : the imposed war and unilateral annulment of the 1975 Treaties by the regime of Iraq
1985 |
Anvari-Tehrani, E. |
The necessity to set boundaries between air space and outer space
1985 |
Georgakarakos, Elias N. |
Boundaries and boundary treaties in the law of state succession
1985 |
Tyranowski, Jerzy Kazimierz |
The right of self-determination and international boundaries
1985 |
Connelly, Alpha Margaret |
The Gulf of Maine Case : major implications for maritime boundary delimitation
1985 |
Curtis, Linda L. |
L'arret de la C.I.J. du 24.02.1983 sur la délimitation du plateau continental entre la Tunisie et la Libye
1985 |
Rekik, M. H. |
The boundary provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
1985 |
Marsh, Joel Evan |
The Runn of Kutch Case and international arbitration - a comment
1985 |
Cakioussis, Constantine S. |