Corporate social responsibility for sustainable service dominant logic
2010 |
Sebhatu, Samuel Petros |
Children's perceived and ideal body images : social marketing implications
2010 |
Pettigrew, Simone |
Marketing through sport : a case of a religious organization
2010 |
Lee, Seungbum |
On the relevance of accreditations of executive MBA programs : the perception of the customers
2010 |
Marketing for a non-profit organization
2010 |
Blery, Evangelia K. |
Blind people's association
2010 |
Panda, Rajeev Kumar |
Public sector marketing, political science and the science of public administration : the evolution of a transdisciplinary dialogue
2010 |
Bouzas-Lorenzo, Ramón |
Mental accounting and cause related marketing strategies
2010 |
Baghi, Ilaria |
Understanding university image : a structural equation model approach
2010 |
Duarte, Paulo O. |
Towards a conceptual model for assessing the quality of public services
2010 |
Carvalho, Claudia |
Comparative analysis of cooperation mechanisms between power authorities and civil society institutions : by the cases of Russia and Great Britain
2010 |
Stepanova, Alexandra |
Integrating socio-cultural paradigms in nonprofit marketing : the case of blood donation among African communites in Australia
2010 |
Polonsky, Michael Jay |
Consumer behavioural intentions in cause-related marketing : the role of identification and social cause involvement
2010 |
Factor analysis for an institutional image instrument
2010 |
Zaghloul, Ashraf Ahmad |
Providing online public services successfully : the role of confirmation of citizens' expectations
2010 |
Belanche, Daniel |
An approach of marketing relationship graduate-University for universities configuration as life long learning centres : an application to the University of Valencia
2010 |
Schlesinger Díaz, María Walesska |
Ethics and conumption : a difficult balance
2010 |
Díaz-Méndez, Montserrat |
Contemporary tendencies in development of sacred tourism in Bulgaria
2009 |
Stoykova, Blaga |
Epistemological evolution of corporate social responsibility in marketing
2009 |
Bigné Alcañiz, J. Enrique |
Competences versus risk reduction in higher education
2009 |
Veres, Zoltán |