Product-service innovation systems : opening-up servitization-based innovation to manufacturing industry |
2023 |
volumes 120 (February 2023) |
Special issue papers: Valley of Death |
2022 |
volume 109 (January 2022) |
Special issue: managing intrapreneurial capabilities |
2021 |
volume 99 (January/September 2021) |
Special issue: innovation and production management in the process industries : in search of a conjoint approach |
2021 |
volumes 105 (July 2021) |
Special issue: stimulating innovation and entrepreneurship in high-technology sectors : the role of cultural and creative industries |
2020 |
Volumes 92/93 (April/May 2020) |
Independent innovation : new practices to manage technology transfer projects in collaborations with China |
2020 |
volumes 94/95 (June/July 2020) |
Special issue: DNA of the Triple Helix |
2018 |
volume 76/77 (August/September 2018) |
ISPIM Conference review |
2018 |
volume 69 (January 2018) |
Special issue: innovation on the East-Asian automotive industry |
2018 |
volume 70-71 (February/March 2018) |
Special issue: Interating and disintergating |
2018 |
volume 78 (December 2018) |
Emerging technology supply chains |
2017 |
volumes 62-63 (April/May 2017) |
Special issue: incubation mechanisms |
2016 |
volumes 50-51 (April/May 2016) |
Special issue: promoting technology-intensive value creation in entrepreneurial firms and small business through intervention - policy, regulation and support |
2016 |
volumes 57-58 (November/December 2016) |
Special issue: innovation and standardization |
2016 |
volumes 48-49 (February/March 2016) |
Special issue: opportunity recognition and creation |
2015 |
volumes 39-40, May/June 2015 |
Special issue: Security in the cyber supply chain |
2014 |
34.2014,7 |
Special issue: Risk and uncertainty management in technological innovation |
2014 |
34.2014,8 |
Special issue: Introduction to technology strategy and policy |
2014 |
34.2014,12 |
Special issue: Value of design for competitiveness |
2014 |
34.2014,11 |
Technology entrepreneurship : a special issue in memory of Bruce A. Kirchhoff |
2013 |
33.2013,8-9 |