Measuring firms' imitation activity
2017 |
Doha, Ahmed |
Inertia, aspirations, and response to attainment discrepancy in design contests
2017 |
Lampel, Joseph |
How to select the right public partner in smart city projects
2017 |
Sandulli, Francesco Domenico |
Determinants, causal connections and outcomes of corporate technology licensing : a systematic review and research agenda
2017 |
Symeonidou, Noni |
Researchers' willingness to engage in knowledge and technology transfer activities : an exploration of the underlying motivations
2017 |
Olaya Escobar, Erika Sofía |
An incubation perspective on social innovation : the London Hub : a social incubator
2017 |
Nicolopoulou, Katerina |
An investigation into the roles of open innovation collaboration managers
2017 |
Ollila, Susanne |
Principal researcher and project manager : who should drive R&D projects?
2017 |
Cassanelli, Aníbal N. |
The impact of technological convergence on firms' product portfolio strategy : an information-based imitation approach
2017 |
Giachetti, Claudio |
How diversity contributes to academic research teams performance
2017 |
De Saá-Pérez, Petra |
Time allocations across collaborations of academic scientists and their impact on efforts to commercialize novel technologies : is more always better?
2017 |
Libaers, Dirk |
Does an extrinsic reward for R&D employees enhance innovation outcomes? : evidence from a Japanese innovation survey
2017 |
Kanama, Daisuke |
The effect of board human capital on the performance of technical alliance investments
2017 |
Chen, Li‐Yu |
Diversity is strategy : the effect of R&D team diversity on innovative performance
2017 |
Garcia Martinez, Marian |
Friend or foe? : the effects of managerial politics on NPD team communication, collaboration and project success
2017 |
Kyriazis, Elias |
Improving new product development using big data : a case study of an electronics company
2017 |
Tan, Kim Hua |
Decision making for business model development : a process study of effectuation and causation in new technology-based ventures
2017 |
Reymen, Isabelle Marcelle Marie Jeanne |
Models with graphical representation for innovation management : a literature review
2017 |
Bagno, Raoni Barros |
Implementation of green innovations : the impact of stakeholders and their network relations
2017 |
Fliaster, Alexander |
The effect of board of directors on R&D intensity : board tenure and multiple directorships
2017 |
Bravo, Francisco |