Mind, matter, and metabolism
2016 |
Godfrey-Smith, Peter |
The principle of sufficient reason
2001 |
Belot, Gordon |
Hacking away at the identity of indiscernibles : possible worlds and Einstein's principle of equivalence
1995 |
French, Steven |
[Rezension von: [Rez. zu] Wilson, Catherine: Leibniz's metaphysics]
1992 |
Garber, Daniel |
[Rezension von: [Rez. zu] Leibniz' Logik und Metaphysik]
1992 |
Axelos, Christos |
[Rezension von: Sleigh, Robert C., Leibniz & Arnauld, a commentary on their correspondence]
1992 |
Garber, Daniel |
How Euclidean geometrie has misled metaphysics
1991 |
Nerlich, Graham |
Leibniz, Keynes, and the rabbis on a problem of distributive justice
1989 |
Rescher, Nicholas |
Identity, essence, and indiscernibility
1987 |
Yablo, Stephen |
Literary fiction as philosophy : the case of Nietzsche's "Zarathustra"
1986 |
Gooding-Williams, Robert |
Boundary disputes
1986 |
Harries, Karsten |
[Rezension von: Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe. Hrsg. von d. Akad. d. Wiss. d. DDR. Reihe 6, Bd 3. Berlin, 1980 ]
1986 |
Wilson, Catherine |
[Rezension von: Yolton, John W., Thinking matter. Oxford, 1984]
1985 |
Garber, Daniel |
[Rezension von: Kitcher, Philip, The nature of mathematical knowledge. New York [usw], 1983]
1984 |
Steiner, M. |
Teleological explanation and the hierarchical organization of nature
1983 |
Bechtel, William |
Leibnizian optimism
1983 |
Wilson, Catherine |
[Rezension von: Brody, Baruch A., Identity and essence]
1982 |
Gupta, A. |
[Rezension von: Kenny, Anthony, The God of the philosophers. Oxford, 1979 ]
1982 |
Ross, J. F. |
[Rezension von: Sommers, Fred, The logic of natural language. Oxford 1982]
1982 |
Strawson, P. F. |
Rorty on the possibility of philosophy
1980 |
Kim, Jaegwon |