Narcocorridos : an emerging micromusic of Nuevo L. A.
2001 |
Simonett, Helena |
Sounds like the mall of America : programmed music and the architectonics of commercial space
1997 |
Sterne, Jonathan |
Folk music in Trentino : oral transmission and the use of vernacular languages
1984 |
Sorce Keller, Marcello |
Music mediated and live in Japan
1984 |
Keil, Charles |
"Are you all unhappy at a twenty dollar bill?" : text, tune and context at antique auctions
1984 |
Miller, Geoffrey |
Sound structure as social structure
1984 |
Feld, Steve |
The social structuring of sound : the temiar of peninsular Malaysia
1984 |
Roseman, Marina |
A fresh look at the concept of tune family
1984 |
Cowdery, James R. |
Jamaican children's songs
1984 |
Hopkin, John Barton |
The impact of language on musical composition in Ghana : an introduction to the musical style of Ephraim Amu
1984 |
Kofi Agawu, V. |
In Honor of our principal teachers
1984 |
Nettl, Bruno |
The urban-mestizio charango tradition in Southern Peru : a statement of shifting identity
1984 |
Turino, Thomas |
Formal performance : the relations of music, text and dance in arnhem land clan song
1984 |
Clunies Ross, Margaret |
Two springar dance traditions from western Norway
1984 |
Sundstedt Beal, Daniel |
Traditional arab music ensembles in Egypt since 1967 : "The continuity of tradition within a contemporary framework"?
1984 |
El-Shawan, Salwa |
"Ngoma" : Swahili adult song performance in context
1984 |
Campbell, Carol A. |
Ritual and theatre in Tewa ceremonial performance
1983 |
Drayson Sweet, Jill |
Creative process in Cantonese opera II : the process of t'ien tz'u (text-setting)
1983 |
Yung, Bell |
Creative process in Cantonese opera III : the role of padding syllables
1983 |
Yung, Bell |
Deva, B. Chaitanya. The music of India: a scientific study. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt., Ltd., 1981. ix, 278 p., illus., photos, tables, indexes. Rs. 80
1983 |
Henry, Edward O. |