Our vision for the Journal of Consumer Research : it's all about the consumer
2018 |
Inman, J. Jeffrey |
Delegating decisions : recruiting others to make choices we might regret
2018 |
Steffel, Mary |
Made by mistake : when mistakes increase product preference
2018 |
Reich, Taly |
The impact of crowding on calorie consumption
2018 |
Hock, Stefan J. |
Consumer and object experience in the internet of things : an assemblage theory approach
2018 |
Hoffman, Donna L. |
How the intention to share can undermine enjoyment : photo-taking goals and evaluation of experiences
2018 |
Barasch, Alixandra |
When two wrongs make a right : using conjunctive enablers to enhance evaluations for extremely incongruent new products
2018 |
Noseworthy, Theodore J. |
Better or different? : how political ideology shapes preferences for differentiation in the social hierarchy
2018 |
Ordabayeva, Nailya |
The effects of rarity on indulgent consumption : non-impulsives indulge when low frequency is salient
2018 |
May, Frank |
The fresh start mindset : transforming consumers’ lives
2018 |
Price, Linda L. |
That's not how I remember it : willfully ignorant memory for ethical product attribute information
2018 |
Walker Reczek, Rebecca |
When consumers prefer to give material gifts instead of experiences : the role of social distance
2018 |
Goodman, Joseph K. |
Mind the gap : how smaller numerical differences can increase product attractiveness
2018 |
Shoham, Meyrav |
Culture, relationship norms, and dual entitlement
2018 |
Chen, Haipeng |
Humor, comedy, and consumer behavior
2018 |
Warren, Caleb |
Word of mouth versus word of mouse : speaking about a brand connects you to it more than writing does
2018 |
Shen, Hao |
When being in a positive mood increases choice deferral
2018 |
Etkin, Jordan |
Dissociating controllable and uncontrollable effects of affective stimuli on attitudes and consumption
2018 |
Hütter, Mandy |
Goods donations increase charitable credit for low-warmth donors
2018 |
Gershon, Rachel |
Seeing stars : how the binary bias distorts the interpretation of customer ratings
2018 |
Fisher, Matthew |