On choosing rationally when preferences are fuzzy
2009 |
Barrett, C. Richard |
Soft sets: an ordinal formulation of vagueness with some applications to the theory of choice
2009 |
Basu, Kaushik |
Risk, impersonality, and the social welfare function
2009 |
Pattanaik, Prasanta K. |
On ranking opportunity sets in terms of freedom of choice
2009 |
Pattanaik, Prasanta K. |
Minimal relativism, dominance, and standard of living comparisons based on functionings
2009 |
Pattanaik, Prasanta K. |
A general revealed preference theorem for stochastic demand behaviour
2009 |
Bandyopadhyay, Taradas |
Individual rights and social evaluation : a conceptual framework
2009 |
Pattanaik, Prasanta K. |
Falmagne and the rationalizability of stochastic choices in terms of random orderings
2009 |
Barberà, Salvador |
Decision-making under complete uncertainty
2009 |
Barrett, C. Richard |
Individual rights revisited
2009 |
Gaertner, Wulf |
Game forms, rights, and the efficiency of social outcomes
2009 |
Deb, Rajat |
Stochastic revealed preference and the theory of demand
2009 |
Bandyopadhyay, Taradas |
An axiomatic characterization of the lexicographic maximin extension of an ordering over a set to the power set
2009 |
Pattanaik, Prasanta K. |
Median-based extensions of an ordering over a set to the power set : an axiomatic characterization
2009 |
Nitsan, Shemuʾel |
Little and Bergson on Arrow's concept of social welfare
2009 |
Pattanaik, Prasanta K. |
Necessary and sufficient conditions for rational choice under majority decision
2009 |
Sen, Amartya |
Distribution of power under stochastic social choice rules
2009 |
Pattanaik, Prasanta K. |
On preference and freedom
2009 |
Pattanaik, Prasanta K. |
On measuring deprivation and the standard of living in a multi-dimensional framework on the basis of aggregate data
2009 |
Dutta, Indranil |