Exponential smoothing spreadsheets
2018 |
Harris, R. Scott |
Econocast.net : Pencasts to supplement the undergraduate economics curriculum
-2018 |
Murray, James |
Teaching DSGE to undergraduates symposium : introduction
-2018 |
Colander, David C. |
Gender differnce in willingness to guess after a failure
2018 |
Cipriani, Giam Pietro |
The great American health care debate : a classroom game to explore risk and insurance
2018 |
Grogan, Kelly |
Revisiting unemployment in intermediate macroeconomics : a new approach for teaching Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides
-2018 |
Bhattacharya, Arghya |
Syllabus and economics : reasoning with Generation "Why"
-2018 |
Burdina, Mariya |
A college athletics recruiting game to teach the economics of rent-seeking
-2018 |
Roush, Justin R. |
Improved grade outcomes with an e-mailed "grade nudge"
-2018 |
Smith, Ben O. |
Maybe you can, but perhaps you shouldn't! saving undergraduate macroeconomics from DSGE modeling
-2018 |
Setterfield, Mark |
Economics gone country
2018 |
Melichar, Mark A. |
Multiplatform software tool to disaggregate and adjust value-added learning scores
-2018 |
Smith, Ben O. |
Does studying economics in college influence loan decisions later in life?
-2018 |
Bosshardt, William |
Is an economics degree good preparation for the LSAT?
-2018 |
Routon, R. Wesley |
Trends in undergraduate economics degrees, 1991–2017
-2018 |
Siegfried, John J. |
Adjusting for guessing and applying a statistical test to the disaggregation of value-added learning scores
2018 |
Smith, Ben O. |
Measuring faculty teaching effectiveness using conditional fixed effects
2018 |
Linask, Maia |
The automobile industry and new trade theory : a classroom experiment
-2018 |
Yamarik, Steven |
Integrating econometrics : a modern undergraduate economics capstone experience
-2018 |
Conaway, Brooke |
Economics media library
2018 |
Wooten, Jadrian J. |