The emergence of uniform principles of cost accounting in Schweden 1900 - 36
2010 |
Segelod, Esbjörn |
Researching the absence of professional organisation in Victorian England
2010 |
Edwards, John Richard |
Was the nineteenth-century Denbighshire coalfield a worthwile investment? : an analysis of the investors and their returns
2010 |
Jones, Bethan Lloyd |
The current value-based balance sheet in the context of east Asian colonial management : the case of Oriental Colonization Company
2010 |
Noguchi, Masayoshi |
The dual audit system for joint stock companies in Japan
2010 |
Matsumoto, Yoshinao |
Transfer pricing : early Italian contributions
2010 |
Mura, Alessandro |
Management, finance and cost control in the Midlands charcoal iron industry
2010 |
King, P. W. |
Social closure and the incorporation of the Society of Accountants in Edinburgh in 1854
2010 |
Lee, Thomas A. |
Accounting in disaster and accounting for disaster : the crisis of the Great Kanto Earthquake, Japan, 1923
2010 |
Shimizu, Yasuhiro |
Banking from Leeds, not London: regional strategy and structure at the Yorkshire Bank, 1859 - 1952
2010 |
Larson, Mitchell J. |
An historical analysis of budgetary thought in Finnish specialist business journals from c. 1950 to c. 2000
2010 |
Ihantola, Eeva-Mari |
Daniel Harvey's ledger, 1623 - 1646, in context
2010 |
Yamey, Basil S. |
A development agenda, the donor dollar and voluntary failure
2010 |
Sutton, David |
Using accounting history and Luca Pacioli to put relevance back into the teaching of double entry
2010 |
Sangster, Alan |
The auditors' reporting duty on internal control: the case of building societies, 1956-1960
2010 |
Noguchi, Masayoshi |
From learning to rationalization: the roles of accounting in the management of Parisian Great Exhibitions from 1853 to 1902
2010 |
Fabre, Karine |
Job analysis on the LMS: mechanisation and modernisation c.1930-c.1939
2010 |
Edwards, Roy |
The business of protection : Bass & Co. and trade mark defence, c. 1870 - 1914
2009 |
Higgins, David M. |
Commercial banking, insurance and economic growth in Sweden between 1830 and 1998
2009 |
Co-authorship in accounting history : advantages and pitfalls
2009 |
Fleischman, Richard K. |