Special section : keywords |
2011 |
52.2011,4 |
Intergenerational wealth transmission and inequality in premodern societies |
2010 |
51.2010,1 |
Special section: rethinking the origins of agriculture |
2009 |
50.2009,5 |
Placing women's lives in context and in theory |
2005 |
46.2005,3 |
Special issue: Time, society, and the course of new technologies |
2005 |
46.2005,5 |
Special issue : agricultural origins and dispersal into Europe |
2004 |
45.2004 Suppl. |
Special issue : Identity, temporality, and moral geographies |
2004 |
45.2004.1 |
Agricultural origins and dispersal into Europe |
2004 |
volume 45, supplement (August-October 2004) |
Divergences and commonalities within taxonomic and political orders |
2003 |
44.2003,2 : Special issue |
Special issue : Multiple methodologies in anthropological research |
2003 |
44.2003,Suppl. |
Multiple methodologies in anthropological research |
2003 |
volume 44, supplement (December 2003) |
Repertoires of timekeeping in anthropology |
2002 |
43, suppl. (August-October 2002) : Special issue |
Special issue : Areas of inquiry : Mesoamerica |
2002 |
43.2002,3 |
Special issue : Repertoires of timekeeping in anthropology |
2002 |
43.2002,Suppl. |
Special issue : science, culture, and politics |
2001 |
42.2001,2. |
Evolution of symbolic capacities and human sociality |
2001 |
42.2001,4. |
Culture - a second chance? |
1999 |
40.1999, Suppl. |
Culture - a second chance? |
1999 |
volume 40, supplement (February 1999) |
Neanderthal problem and the evolution of human behavior |
1998 |
39.1998, Suppl. |
The Neanderthal problem and the evolution of human behaviorRichard G. Fox, editorial |
1998 |
volume 39, supplement (June 1998) |