Combining estimates of conditional treatment effects
2019 |
Rolling, Craig A. |
Mixed causal-noncausal ar processes and the modelling of explosive bubbles
2019 |
Fries, Sébastien |
Asymptotic theory for estimating drift parameters in the fractional Vasicek model
2019 |
Xiao, Weilin |
Uniform inference in high-dimensional dynamic panel data models with approximately sparse fixed effects
2019 |
Kock, Anders Bredahl |
A local Gaussian bootstrap method for realized volatility and realized beta
2019 |
Hounyo, Ulrich |
Estimation of spatial autoregressions with stochastic weight matrices
2019 |
Gupta, Abhimanyu |
Testing GARCH-X type models
2019 |
Pedersen, Rasmus Søndergaard |
Dynamic asset correlations based on vines
2019 |
Poignard, Benjamin |
The factor-Lasso and K-step bootstrap approach for inference in high-dimensional economic applications
2019 |
Hansen, Christian Bailey |
Heteroskedasticity autocorrelation robust inference in time series regressions with missing data
2019 |
Rho, Seung-Hwa |
Link of moments before and after transformations, with an application to resampling from fat-tailed distributions
2019 |
Abadir, Karim Maher |
Testing the order of fractional integration of a time series in the possible presence of a trend break at an unknown point
2019 |
Iacone, Fabrizio |
Testing regression monotonicity in econometric models
2019 |
Četverikov, Denis N. |
Asymptotically efficient model selection for panel data forecasting
2019 |
Greenaway-McGrevy, Ryan |
Estimation of a semiparametric transformation model in the presence of endogeneity
2019 |
Vanhems, Anne |
The et interview : Professor Charles Manski
2019 |
Manski, Charles F. |
A test for weak stationarity in the spectral domain
2019 |
Hidalgo, Javier |
Boundedness of m-estimators for linear regression in time series
2019 |
Johansen, Søren |
Inference for option panels in pure-jump settings
2019 |
Andersen, Torben |
Statistical inference for measurement equation selection in the log-RealGARCH model
2019 |
Li, Yu-Ning |