What kind of idealist was Leibniz?
2005 |
Shim, Michael K. |
Leibniz's mathematical argument against a soul of the world
2005 |
Brown, Gregory |
[Rezension von: Learning from Jonathan Bennett. [Rez. zu] Bennett, Jonathan Francis: Learning from six philosophers]
2005 |
Chappell, Vere |
Christian Platonism and the metaphysics of body in Leibniz
2004 |
Smith, Justin Erik Halldór |
Leibniz's opinion of Descartes's argument that he is not a body
2003 |
Downey, James Patrick |
Leibniz's "De summa rerum" and the panlogistic interpretation of the theory of simple substances
2003 |
Blank, Andreas |
Leibniz on plenitude, infinity, and the eternity of the world
2002 |
Futch, Michael J. |
On monadic domination in Leibniz's metaphysics
2002 |
Look, Brandon |
Leibniz on divine concurrence with secondary causes
2002 |
Vailati, Ezio |
The defence of the mysteries of the Trinity and the Incarnation : an example of Leibniz's 'other' reason
2001 |
Antognazza, Maria Rosa |
Leibniz's notion of an aggregate
2001 |
Lodge, Paul |
The foundations of natural law
1999 |
Zarka, Yves Charles |
Leibniz and the elements of compound bodies
1999 |
Phemister, Pauline |
Why corporeal substances keep popping up in Leibniz's later philosophy
1998 |
Hartz, Glenn A. |
Motion, sensation, and the infinite : the lasting impression of Hobbes on Leibniz
1997 |
Wilson, Catherine |
Automata compared : Boyle, Leibniz and the debate on the notion of life and mind
1995 |
Giglioni, Guido |
Human freedom and divine creation in Malebranche, Descartes and the Cartesians
1994 |
Schmaltz, Tad M. |
Damaris Cudworth, Lady Masham : between platonism and enlightenment
1993 |
Hutton, Sarah |