On the virtues of practising scholarship : a tribute to Chris Argyris, a "timeless learner"
2009 |
Antonacopoulou, Elena |
Review of strategy, change and defensive routines by Chris Argyris
2009 |
Diamond, Michael A. |
Commentary on varieties of dialectic change processes
2009 |
Mason, Richard O. |
Constructing contributions to organizational learning : Argyris and the next generation
2009 |
Application of theory of action to safety management : recasting the NAT/HRT debate
2009 |
Bain, William A. |
Learning across a living company : the Shell companies' experiences
2009 |
Brenneman, William B. |
Personnel and human resources development
2009 |
Heller, Frank A. |
Review of reasons and rationalizations : the limits to organizational knowledge by Chris Argyris
2009 |
Gabriel, Yiannis |
Learning from action : imbedding more learning into the performance fast enough to make a difference
2009 |
Baird, Lloyd |
Generative knowledge and self-organized learning : reflecting on Don Schön's research
2009 |
Lichtenstein, Benyamin M. Bergmann |
The spectrum of school-university partnerships : a typology of organizational learning systems
2009 |
Callahan, Jamie L. |
When values backfire : leadership, attribution, and disenchantment in a values-driven organization
2009 |
Cha, Sandra E. |
The second generation learning organizations : new tools for sustaining competitive advantage
2009 |
Fulmer, Robert M. |
Action science and negotiation
2009 |
Moffit, Michael |
Organisational learning and employees' intrinsic motivation
2009 |
Remedios, Richard |
A conversation with Chris Argyris : the father of organizational learning
2009 |
Fulmer, Robert M. |
The work of Chris Argyris as critical organization practice
2009 |
Bokeno, R. Michael |
A comment on the Argyris-Simon debate
2009 |
Thayer, Frederick C. |
The theory and practice of strategic HRM and participative management : antecedents in early industrial relations
2009 |
Kaufman, Bruce E. |
Intrapreneurship as a peaceful and ethical transition strategy toward privatization
2009 |
Nielsen, Richard P. |