Using baseline models to improve theories about emerging markets
2012 |
Schwab, Andreas |
Strategic management research in emerging economies : a lens model perspective
2012 |
Zoogah, David B. |
Emerging market research opportunities with agent-based simulations
2012 |
De Lange, Deborah E. |
Non-response in cross-cultural surveys : reflections on telephone survey interviews with Chinese managers
2012 |
Wang, Catherine L. |
Multilevel modeling for international management research
2012 |
Li, Fuli |
Making strategic management research relevant to emerging market countries
2012 |
Mangaliso, Mzamo P. |
Measuring "West meets East" in strategic management research using cultural consensus model and cultural mixture model analyses
2012 |
Keller, Josh |
Exploring different accounts : depth interviews versus self-administered questionnaires in strategy and management research
2012 |
Sandhu, Sukhbir |
Item response theory and construct measurement in emerging markets
2012 |
Buchbinder, Felipe |
When West meets East : methods of assessing group variation in comparative emerging markets research
2012 |
Settles, Alexander |
Multitheoretical analysis in organizational and strategic configurational changes : using mixed methods with multilevel rules for innovation
2012 |
Pedrozo, Eugênio Ávila |
Establishing the usefulness of strategic management research : on inverted lewinians and naked strategy scholars
2009 |
Russell, Craig J. |
One the use and misuse of rations in strategic management research
2009 |
Wiseman, Robert M. |
Cautionary note on conveniently dismissing x2 goddness-of-fit test results : implications for strategic manangement research
2009 |
Aguinis, Herman |
Using hybrid research methodologies for testing contingency theories of strategy
2009 |
Harrigan, Kathryn Rudie |
Embracing debates to advance global strategy research
2009 |
Pleggenkuhle-Miles, Erin G. |
The theoretical contribution of case study research to the field of strategy and management
2009 |
Ridder, Hans-Gerd |
Null-hypothesis significance tests in behavioral and management research : we can do better
2009 |
Schwab, Andreas |
Framing research on service
2009 |
Huff, Anne Sigismund |
Construct validity and other empirical issues in transaction cost economics research
2009 |
Mayer, Kyle J. |