Competition and cooperation in internet backbone services
2009 |
Vanberg, Margit A. |
National roaming pricing in mobile Networks
2009 |
Sandbach, Jonathan |
Technical, business and policy challenges of mobile television
2009 |
Bauer, Johannes M. |
Innovation and regulation in the digital age : a call for new perspectives
2009 |
Benghozi, Pierre-Jean |
The diffusion of broadband-based applications among Italian small and medium enterprises
2009 |
Colombo, Massimo G. |
A behavioral economic interpretation of the preference for flat rates : the case of post-paid mobile phone services
2009 |
Mitomo, Hitoshi |
Regulation of international roaming charges : the way to cost-based prices?
2009 |
Falch, Morten |
Substitution between DSL, Cable, and Mobile Broadband Internet Services
2009 |
Search engines for audio-visual content : copyright law and its policy relevance
2009 |
Rotenberg, Boris |
E-commerce use in Spain
2009 |
Cerno, Leonel |
Drivers and inhibitors of countries' broadband performance : a European snapshot
2009 |
Jakopin, Nejc Martin |
Does regulation impact the entry in a mature regulated industry? : an econometric analysis of MVNOs
2009 |
Riccardi, Delphine |
Exploring technology design issues for mobile web services
2009 |
Reuver, Mark de |
The regulatory framework for European telecommunications market between subsidiarity and centralization
2009 |
Haucap, Justus |
Managing communications firms in the new unpredictable environments : watch the movies
2009 |
Longstaff, Patricia Hirl |
Shareholder wealth effects of mergers and acquisitions in the telecommunications industry
2009 |
Rieck, Olaf |
Next generation networks : the demand side issues
2009 |
Alleman, James H. |
Russian information and communication technology in a global context
2009 |
Petukhova, Svetlana |
General access payment mechanisms
2009 |
Atiyas, İzak |
Search engines, the new bottleneck for content access
2009 |
Eijk, Nico van |