The search for clues in accounting history
2008 |
Walker, Stephen P. |
Adventures in social and environmental accounting and auditing research : a personal reflection
2008 |
Owen, David |
Forever destined to be extras in a Broadway show? : a discussion on the status of national accounting research in an international arena
2008 |
García-Benau, María Antonia |
Starting and managing a European Union funded research project
2008 |
Birkin, Frank |
To tape or not to tape : reflections on methods of data collection
2008 |
Hayes, Treasa |
Using computer assisted qualitative data analysis software : respecting voices within data management and analysis
2008 |
Anderson-Gough, Fiona |
Accounting and auditing research in the United States
2008 |
Lee, Tom A. |
Critical independence
2008 |
McSweeney, Brendan |
Doing case study research
2008 |
Scapens, Robert William |
Qualitative data analysis : illuminating a process for transforming a 'messy' but 'attractive' 'nuisance'
2008 |
O'Dwyer, Brendan |
Requirements and understandings for publishing academic research : an insider view
2008 |
Guthrie, James |
Research and public practice accounting
2008 |
Turley, Stuart |
Disseminating research through teaching
2008 |
Richardson, Sue |
Raising the profile of qualitative methods in organizational research
2008 |
Cassell, Catherine |
Management of a research team
2008 |
Broadbent, Jane |
Learning to balance : the experience of an overseas Ph. D. student in the UK
2008 |
Komori, Naoko |
Case-based research in accounting
2008 |
Berry, Anthony J. |
Insights from internet-based research : realising a qualitative understanding from a quantitative search process
2008 |
Sangster, Alan |
The case study, the interview and the issues : a personal reflection
2008 |
Marginson, David E. W. |
Confessions of a research assistant
2008 |
Burns, John |