Navigational freedom and other contemporary oceans issues
2009 |
Jayakumar, S. |
Hysrographic surveying and marine scientific research in exclusive economic zones
2009 |
Bateman, W. S. G. |
Regulating marine biodiscovery in sea areas under coastal state jurisdiction
2009 |
Long, Ronán |
Military activity in the EEZ : exclusive or excluded right?
2009 |
Skaridov, Alexander S. |
PSSAs and the jurisdiction of coastal states over ship-source pollution in the eez and in straits used for international navigation
2009 |
Beckman, Robert C. |
Compulsory pilotage in the torres strait
2009 |
Neher, Patrick J. |
Vessel source pollution and protection of the marine environment
2009 |
Michel, Charles D. |
IMO, ICS and environmental compliance
2009 |
Hinchliffe, Peter |
Particularly sensitive sea areas and the law of the sea
2009 |
Kraska, James |
An introduction to the regime of passage through straits used for international navigation and through archipelagic waters
2009 |
Nandam, Satya N. |
Transit passage and users' contributions to the safety of the straits of Malaca and Singapore
2009 |
Terashima, Hiroshi |
Archipelagic sea lanes passage and the Philoppines situation
2009 |
Encomienda, Alberto A. |
Navigation through achipelagos : current state practice
2009 |
Tsamenyi, Martin |
Vessel source pollution and protection of the marine environment in the Taiwan strait
2009 |
Fu, Kuen-Chen |
Remarks on the legal status of the exclusive economic zone
2009 |
Koh, Tommy T. B. |
Marine data collection : methods and the law
2009 |
Roach, J. Ashley |
Military activities in and over the exclusive economic zone
2009 |
Pedrozo, Raul |
Archipelagic sea lanes passage designation : the Indonesian experiance
2009 |
Oegroseno, Arif Havas |
Combating piracy and armed robbery in Asia : boosting ReCAAP's role
2009 |
Ho, Joshua |
Remarks on the concept of "freedom of navigation"
2009 |
Djalal, Hasjim |