The recurrent myth of 'dutch heroism' in the Second World War and Anne Frank as a symbol
1992 |
Zee, Nanda van der |
The Netherlands protestand churches and the Holocaust
1992 |
Roon, Ger van |
Miskotte's timely perspective of the religious dimension of the Nazi-Ideology
1992 |
Jong, Pieter de |
Disproportionate destruction : the annihilation of the Jews in the Netherlands: 1940-1945
1992 |
Hess, Steven |
A response to Miller's 'One, by one, by one'
1992 |
Polak, Jack |
For the love of life : making sense of Frisian rescuers of Jews
1992 |
Stein, André |
Etty Hillesum's 'An Interrupted Life' : searching for the human
1992 |
Weinstein, Bernard |
Kristallnacht, Roosevelt, and American Jewry : an analysis of selected White House documents following the 9 november pogrom
1992 |
Riley, Karen L. |
First-century anti-Jewish polemics : a new understanding
1992 |
Murrell, Nathaniel Samuel |
The U.S. Army and the Jewish DPs : a personal recollection
1992 |
Heymont, Irving |
The response of the Norwegian Lutheran Church to the Holocaust
1992 |
Abrahamsen, Samuel |
Wagner as I see him
1992 |
Wagner, Gottfried |
Did Agnon write about the Holocaust?
1992 |
Laor, Dan |
Surviving and the survivor : a reconsideration of the Bettelheim - Des Pres controversy
1992 |
Hirsch, Herbert |
Simone Weil: Philosopher, socialist, and christian mystic - a Jew and a woman despite herself
1992 |
Brenner, Rachel Feldhay |
What are Christians saying to Jews? : An analysis of some recent statements from church bodies
1992 |
Willis, Robert E. |
Resurrection as rescue : Christian theological interpretation of scripture after the Shoah
1992 |
Moore, James F. |
Jewish displaced persons : an introduction
1992 |
Peck, Abraham J. |
The advisor on Jewish affairs to the American Army and the DPs 1945-1949
1992 |
Genizi, Haim |
Personal reflections on the Displaced Persons' Camp experience
1992 |
Meyers, Sylvia |