Categories of concentration camp prisoners
2001 |
Friedlander, Henry |
Jehova's Witnesses as forgotten victims
2001 |
Milton, Sybil |
Jehova's Witnesses : a documentation
2001 |
Milton, Sybil |
Rescued from oblivion : the case of Hans Gärtner
2001 |
Nerlich, Angela |
Female Jehova's witnesses in Moringen women's concentration camp : women's resistance in nazi Germany
2001 |
Harder, Jügrne |
The religious association of Jehova's Witnesses in Baden and Wurttemberg, 1933-1945
2001 |
Roser, Hubert |
The persecution of Jehova's Witnesses in Weimar, 1945-1990
2001 |
Westphal, Göran |
Persecuted and almost forgotten
2001 |
Slupina, Wolfram |
The video documentary "Jehova's Witnesses stand firm against nazi assault" : propaganda or historical doucment?
2001 |
Wrobel, Johannes |
History, past and present : Jehova's Witnesses in Germany ; an analysis of the documentary "Stand firm against nazi assault" ; from the perspective of religious studies
2001 |
Yonan, Gabriele |
Teaching tolerance : a case study
2001 |
Pellechia, James N. |
Jehova's witnesses in Wewelsburg concentration camp
2001 |
John-Stucke, Kirsten |
Jehova's Witnesses in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp
2001 |
Rahe, Thomas |
Jehova's Witnesses in the German Democratic Republic
2001 |
Dirksen, Hans-Hermann |
Resistance and persecution of female Jehova's Witnesses
2001 |
Krause-Schmitt, Ursula |
History, past and present : Jehova's Witnesses in Germany
2001 |
Köbe, Walter |
Between historical documentation and public promotion of one's image : comments about the watch tower society film "Stand firm against nazi assault"
2001 |
Lemhöfer, Lutz |
From marginalization to martyrdom
2001 |
Chu, Jolene |
Chronology : development and persecution of Jehova's Witnesses
2001 |
Dirksen, Hans-Hermann |
Jehovah's Witnesses in the German Democratic Republic
2001 |
Dirksen, Hans-Hermann |