Maimonides, Spinoza, and Buber read the Hebrew Bible : the hermeneutical keys of divine "fire" and "spirit" (ruach)
2011 |
Diamond, James A. |
The last night : ritualized violence and the last instructions of 9/11
2010 |
Kitts, Margo |
Critique and promise in Paul Tillich's political theology : engaging Giorgio Agamben on sovereignty and possibility
2010 |
Walter, Gregory A. |
Forgiveness and restoration : a theological exploration
2010 |
Couenhoven, Jesse |
"In love I am more God" : the centrality of love in Meister Eckhart's mysticism
2010 |
Radler, Charlotte |
The Old Testament as a witness to Jesus Christ : historical criticism and theological exegesis of the Bible according to Karl Barth
2010 |
Capetz, Paul E. |
Suffering and soul-making : rethinking John Hick's theodicy
2010 |
Scott, Mark S. M. |
Just war, civic virtue, and democratic social criticism : Augustinian reflections
2009 |
Miller, Richard Brian |
"The light shines in the darkness" : Johannine dualism and the challenge for Christian theology of religions today
2009 |
Yong, Amos |
Humanizing religion
2009 |
Schweiker, William |
The twilight of probability : Locke, Bayle, and the toleration of atheism
2009 |
Schulman, Alex |
Bringing Barth's critique of religion to the inter-faith tablle
2008 |
Greggs, Tom |
The angelic spirit in early Christianity : Justin, the Martyr and philosopher
2008 |
Bucur, Bogdan Gabriel |
The cross, the flesh, and the absent God : finding justice through love and affliction in Simone Weil's writings
2008 |
Willox, Ashlee Cunsolo |
Christ in creation : Bonhoeffer's orders of preservation and natural theology
2006 |
Ballor, Jordan J. |
Mendelssohn's metaphysical defense of religious pluralism
2006 |
Gottlieb, Michah |
A chapter in public theology from the perspective of human rights : interreligious interaction and dialogue in an intercivilizational context
2006 |
Ven, Johannes A. van der |
On the limits of nerrative : communities in pluralistic society
2006 |
Lewis, Thomas A. |
Interreligious dialogue as a politics of recognition : a postcolonial rereading of Hegel for interreligious solidarity
2005 |
Lee, Hyo-Dong |
The moral ground of cosmopolitan democracy
2003 |
Gamwell, Franklin I. |