Do as I say, not as I do : an analysis of portfolio development recommendations made by financial advisors
2020 |
Grable, John |
Selection determinants for private equity investments
2020 |
Schwartze, Raphael |
Extending the goals-based framework to comprise both investment and financial planning
2020 |
Brunel, Jean L. P. |
Family office research review
2020 |
Kenyon-Rouvinez, Denise |
John Bogle had it right : the benefits of international diversification are limited
2020 |
Dubil, Robert |
An excel calculator for determining student loan information
2020 |
Arnold, Tom |
Do health care mutual funds provide healthy risk-adjusted returns?
2020 |
Kanuri, Srinidhi |
Factors and advisor portfolios
2020 |
Lawler, Brian |
Trust within investment decisions and advice
2019 |
Ritzer-Angerer, Petra M. |
A regime change : non-linearity in wealth and investment management
2019 |
Uhl, Matthias |
Markowitz portfolios with Graham bands in the accumulation phase
2019 |
Hagelstein, Paul |
Diversification benefits, where art thou?
2019 |
Pittman, Sam |
Should taxable investors shun dividends?
2019 |
Israel, Ronen |
The impact of macroeconomic determinants on the S&P Energy, S&P Industrial, S&P IPO, and S&P Telecom Indexes of the BSE
2019 |
Alarnkar, Aakruthi A. |
Attributes and implications of mutual fund revenue sharing and "defensive" 12b-1 fees
2019 |
Haslem, John A. |
Exchange-traded funds as an international diversification tool for socially responsible investors
2019 |
Rodríguez, Javier |
Concepts, components, and collections of trading strategies and market color
2019 |
Kashyap, Ravi |
Supply and demand power of gold influencing gold pricing
2019 |
Sharma, Manu |
Medicare and tax planning for higher-income households
2019 |
Reichenstein, William R. |
Using the volatility risk premium to mitigate the next financial crisis
2019 |
Ge, Wei |