Distinguishing criteria of human rights
1982 |
Boven, Theodor C. van |
Survey of the positive international law of human rights
1982 |
Boven, Theodor C. van |
Toward a specific international huma rights law
1982 |
Vasak, Karel |
The implementation of humanitarian law
1982 |
Dominicé, Christian |
The Organization of African Unity OAU
1982 |
M'Baye, Kéba |
Economic, social and cultural rights
1982 |
Kartashkin, Vladimir |
The Council of Europe
1982 |
Vasak, Karel |
Fundamental principles of human rights : self-determination, equality and non-discrimination
1982 |
Partsch, Karl Josef |
The organization of American States (OAS)
1982 |
Gros Espiell, Héctor |
The league of Arab States
1982 |
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros |
Historical foundations of human rights and subsequent developments
1982 |
Szabó, Imre |
Principles and norms of human rights applicable in emergency situations : underdevelopment, catastrophes and armed conflicts
1982 |
Marks, Stephen P. |
The principal institutions and other bodies founded under the charter
1982 |
Schwelb, Egon |
Asia and human rights
1982 |
Yamane, Hiroko |
Unesco and human rights
1982 |
Saba, Hanna |
The International Labour Organisation (ILO)
1982 |
Valticos, Nicolas |
The socialist countries and human rights
1982 |
Kartashkin, Vladimir |
United Nationas institutions and procedures founded on conventions on human rights and fundamental freedoms
1982 |
Das, Kamleshwar |
Human rights : as a legal reality
1982 |
Vasak, Karel |
The International Labour Organisation (ILO)
1982 |
Valticos, Nicolas |