2008 |
Jayyusi, Salma Khadra |
The concepts of rights and justice in Arab-Islamic texts
2008 |
Ǧābirī, Muḥammad ʿĀbid al- |
'Man' and 'the Rights of Woman' in Islamic discourse - between the idealism of texts and the crisis of reality
2008 |
Abu Zayd, Nasr Hamid |
Concepts of human rights in Islamic doctrines (Sunnis, Shi'ites, Isma'ilis, Qarmatians, Muʿtazilis, Sufis, Wahhabis)
2008 |
Kaylani, Shamsuddin al- |
The problematic of freedom and human rights in Arab-Islamic thought
2008 |
Salama, Yousef |
Human rights in the historical texts of the modern Arab world
2008 |
Hout, Bayan Nuwayhid al- |
Patriarchy and human rights
2008 |
ʿEid, ʿAbd al-Razzaq |
The Medina Charter
2008 |
Nuwayhid, Walid |
The issue of government in modern Islamic thought
2008 |
Barqāwī, Aḥmad |
Human rights in contemporary Arabic thought
2008 |
Ghalyoun, Burhan |
Human rights in the heritage of the Yemeni National Movement
2008 |
Ṣāʾidī, Aḥmad Qāyid |
Civil and political rights in Arab constitutions
2008 |
ʿAzzam, Fateh Samih |
Labour laws and human rights
2008 |
Khader, Asma |
The concept of person in Islamic Tradition
2008 |
Arkoun, Mohammed |
Obedience and disagreement in the context of human rights in Islam
2008 |
Ǧadʿān, Fahmī |
Human rights in the hadith - the model individual and the model community in Islam
2008 |
Mahmoud, Husni |
The question of human rights in contemporary Islamic thought
2008 |
Saiyid, Riḍwān as- |
The Islamic intellectual Mahmoud Muhammad Taha on the impasse of human rights in Islamic legislation
2008 |
Hamad, Al-Nour |
Arab political parties and human rights
2008 |
Saʿīd, Muḥammad as-Saiyid |
Child rights in Arabic culture
2008 |
Dagher, Violette |