Interpersonal comparisons of utility : a comment
2008 |
Robbins, Lionel |
The legal and institutional setting for economic analysis at EPA
2008 |
Morgenstern, Richard D. |
An aggregate measure for benefit-cost analysis
2008 |
Zerbe, Richard O. |
Valuing public goods: the purchase of moral satisfaction
2008 |
Kahneman, Daniel |
The general welfare in relation to problems of taxation and of railway and utility rates
2008 |
Hotelling, Harold |
Welfare propositions of economics and interpersonal comparisons of utility
2008 |
Kaldor, Nicholas |
Evaluation of real national income
2008 |
Samuelson, Paul Anthony |
Experimental tests of the environment effect and the coase theorem
2008 |
Kahneman, Daniel |
Willingness to pay, compensating variation, and the cost of commitment
2008 |
Zhao, Jinhua |
Biased valuations, damage assessments, and policy choices : the choice of measure matters
2008 |
Knetsch, Jack L. |
The foundations of welfare economics
2008 |
Hicks, John |
Three basic postulates for applied welfare economics : an interpretive essay
2008 |
Harberger, Arnold C. |
The welfare foundations of cost-benefit analysis
2008 |
Boadway, Robin W. |
The new controversy about the rationale of economic evaluation
2008 |
Mishan, Edward J. |
US army engineers and the rise of cost-benefit analysis
2008 |
Porter, Theodore M. |
Cost-benefit analysis : an ethical critique
2008 |
Kelman, Steven |
Is cost-benefit analysis legal? : three rules
2008 |
Zerbe, Richard O. |
Willingness to pay and willingness to accept : how much can they differ?
2008 |
Hanemann, W. Michael |
Contingent valuation and the value of public goods : reply
2008 |
Kahneman, Daniel |
Report of the NOAA panel on contingent valuation
2008 |