A general equilibrium entrepreneurial theory of firm formation based on risk aversion
2009 |
Kihlstrom, Richard E. |
Growth in cities
2009 |
Entry by spinoffs
2009 |
Klepper, Steven |
The social structure of entrepreneurial activity : geographic concentration of footwear production in the United States, 1940 - 1989
2009 |
Sorenson, Olav |
Industrial organization, continued : the concentration of specialized industries in particular locations
2009 |
Marshall, Alfred |
Of operations alike common to all branches of industry
2009 |
Say, Jean Baptiste |
Enterprise and profit
2009 |
Knight, Frank Hyneman |
The process of creative destruction
2009 |
Schumpeter, Joseph A. |
Competition, imitation and growth with step-by-step innovation
2009 |
Entry and productivity growth : evidence from microlevel panel data
2009 |
The Schumpeterian tradeoff revisited
2009 |
Nelson, Richard R. |
Entry, exit,growth, and innovation over the product life cycle
2009 |
Klepper, Steven |
2009 |
Lundvall, Bengt-Åke |
Balanced skills and entrepreneurship
2009 |
Lazear, Edward P. |
The fundamental phenomenon of economic development
2009 |
Schumpeter, Joseph A. |
Economic welfare and the allocation of resources for invention
2009 |
Arrow, Kenneth Joseph |
Clusters and the new economics of competition
2009 |
Porter, Michael E. |
The entrepreneur
2009 |
Kirzner, Israel M. |
Entrepreneurship, innovation and growth : the David-Goliath symbiosis
2009 |
Baumol, William J. |
An economic approach to social capital
2009 |
Glaeser, Edward L. |