Computational economy equilibrium and application
2008 |
Ye, Yinyu |
Dynamic spectrum management : optimization and game theoretic formulations
2008 |
Luo, Zhi-Quan |
The elements of general equilibrium theory
2008 |
Scarf, Herbert E. |
Online and offline selling in limit order markets
2008 |
Chang, Kevin L. |
Predictive pricing and revenue sharing
2008 |
Mungamuru, Bobji |
Graphical congestion games
2008 |
On the road to PLS-completeness : 8 agents in a Singleton Congestion Game
2008 |
Dumrauf, Dominic |
The price of malice in linear congestion games
2008 |
Roth, Aaron |
Truthful surveys
2008 |
Lambert, Nicolas |
Correlated equilibrium of Bertrand competition
2008 |
Wu, John |
Equilibrium points in fear of correlated threats
2008 |
Kontogiannis, Spyros C. |
Anonymity-proof voting rules
2008 |
Conitzer, Vincent |
A game-theorie analysis of games with a purpose
2008 |
Jain, Shaili |
Optimal mechanisms for single machine scheduling
2008 |
Stochastic submodular maximization
2008 |
Asadpour, Arash |
Computing an extensive-form correlated equilibrium in polynomial time
2008 |
Huang, Wan |
Homogeneous interference game in wireless networks
2008 |
Naor, Joseph |
Sponsored search auctions with Markovian users
2008 |
Biased voting and the democratic primary problem
2008 |
Kearns, Michael |
Frequent manipulability of elections : the case of two voters
2008 |
Dobzinski, Shahar |